

Cleaning unused images from blogs hosted on Blogger

Over time many blog posts end up being re-edited. Some articles may be permanently deleted. Some blogs hosted on blogger.com are closed permanently.

Images in these articles are not deleted together with the blog post. They remain in the Google account and take up valuable space. A free Google Account has 15 GB of storage that’s shared across Blogger, Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos.

To clean up space, one must delete unused images, one at a time.

Until recently, to delete images one had to visit Google Album Archive – https://get.google.com/albumarchive/

However, I found out when I moved Electronza back to blogger that the old method no longer works. When I try to access Google Album Archive I get the following message:

Album Archive was a web gallery for users to view and manage photo and video content from a number of Google products and services. Since July 19, 2023, Album Archive is no longer available.

Content that was only visible in Album Archive from discontinued products like Google Hangouts or Picasa Web Albums is no longer available.

Photos and videos that were visible in Album Archive but that are also available in existing products like Google Photos, Blogger or Google Chat can still be found within those products.

You can continue to view and manage your photos and videos from these Google products:

Now, when I want to delete images from a blog hosted on Blogger.com, all I have to do is to the Setting section of the blog, scroll down to "Manage blog" and then click on the "Media from your blog" link.

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