Ever since I wrote the blog post on sensing hydrogen sulfide using Arduino Due, I have received a lot of comments and messages about using the sensor with the more popular Arduino Uno.
To use the sensor with the Arduino Uno, one must overcome two issues. The first issue relates to the fact that the sensor uses 3.3V logic and power, while the Arduino Uno is a 5V board. The second issue lies in the fact that Arduino Uno has a single serial port, and that post is commonly used for debugging.
Overcoming these two issues is relatively easy.
To solve the logic level issue, one can take 3.3V power from the Arduino Uno and use a logic level converter like BOB-12009 from Sparkfun.
Then, one can rely on using SoftwareSerial to create a emulate a second serial port in software, and make some minor changes in the code to accommodate this. Please note that SoftwareSerial doesn’t work on all Arduino pins. In my code example I used pins 10 and 11, but if you wish to change that, do read first the documentation and make sure the pins are supported by the code library.
For this example, I have connected the H2S sensor as follows:
![]() |
Connecting the H2S sensor to Arduino Uno |
The logic level converter receives 5V (orange wire) and 3.3V (red wire) from Arduino Uno. The 3.3V voltage also goes to pin 8 of the H2S sensor.
GND (blue wire) runs from Arduino Uno to the logic level converter and then to the H2S sensor.
Pin 11 runs to the HV4 pin of the logic level converter. Its counterpart LV4 is connected to pin 2 (RXD) of the H2S sensor. Later, in the code, this pin will become SoftwareSerial TX.
Pin 10 runs to the HV3 pin of the logic level converter. Its counterpart LV3 is connected to pin 3 (TXD) of the H2S sensor. Later, in the code, this pin will become SoftwareSerial RX.
This is how the connections are made on a breadboard. I used the same colors of wire as in the above diagram, to make things easier to follow:
![]() |
Arduino Uno connections to H2S sensor |
If you don’t want to dig into the datahsheet of the sensor, here is a detailed image of the H2S sensor connector:
![]() |
H2S sensor pinout |
- pin 1 – N/C
- pin 2 – RXD
- pin 3 – TXD
- pin 4 – N/C
- pin 5 – N/C
- pin 6 – GND
- pin 7 – N/C
- pin 8 – V+ (2.6 to 3.6V)
H2S sensing with Arduino Uno: the code
The code is the same as in the original blog post, with only minor changes to accommodate SoftwareSerial:
// SPEC H2S Sensor | |
// See https://electronza.com/h2s-sensing-revisited-tutorial-arduino-uno/ | |
// Serial number of my sensor | |
// #define mysensor_serial_no 012017030207 | |
// #define portOne_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 256 | |
// #define portOne_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 256 | |
// Sensor values | |
// The format of the output is: SN[XXXXXXXXXXXX], PPB [0 : 999999], TEMP [-99:99], | |
// RH[0:99], RawSensor[ADCCount], TempDigital, RHDigital, Day[0:99], Hour [0:23] | |
// Note that on Arduino Due integer variable (int) stores a 32-bit (4-byte) value. | |
// This yields a range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 | |
// (minimum value of -2^31 and a maximum value of (2^31) - 1). | |
// On 8 bit boards some readings have to be recorded as floats | |
// The big change: we use software serial for H2S sensor | |
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> | |
// software serial #1: RX = digital pin 10, TX = digital pin 11 | |
SoftwareSerial portOne(10, 11); | |
String SensorSerialNo; | |
long H2S; | |
long Temperature; | |
long RH; | |
long RawSensor; | |
long TempDigital; | |
long RHDigital; | |
int Days; | |
int Hours; | |
int Minutes; | |
int Seconds; | |
#define command_delay 500 | |
#define start_delay 2500 | |
String dataString = ""; | |
String responseString = ""; | |
boolean dataStringComplete = 0; | |
char inChar; | |
void setup() { | |
Serial.begin(9600); | |
Serial.println("H2S sensor demo code!"); | |
portOne.begin(9600); | |
// Normally, data is returned within one second | |
portOne.setTimeout(1000); | |
// reserve 80 bytes for the dataString | |
dataString.reserve(150); | |
responseString.reserve(150); | |
// Wait for sensor | |
delay(500); | |
flush_portOne(); | |
// EEPROM dump | |
SPEC_dump_EEPROM(); | |
Serial.println(" "); | |
Serial.println("STARTING MEASUREMENTS"); | |
Serial.println(" "); | |
} | |
void loop() { | |
// Do a readout every 10 seconds | |
SPEC_Data_read(); | |
SPEC_parse_data(); | |
SPEC_print_data(); | |
delay(10000); | |
} | |
/* ******************************************************************************** | |
* This function triggers one measurement and receives the data from the sensor | |
**********************************************************************************/ | |
void SPEC_Data_read(){ | |
// First, we do some initialization | |
// dataStringComplete is set as "false", as we don't have any valid data received | |
dataStringComplete = 0; | |
// Clear the data string | |
dataString = ""; | |
// Now we trigger a measurement | |
portOne.print(" "); | |
// We wait for the sensor to respond | |
dataString = portOne.readStringUntil('\n'); | |
//Serial.println(dataString); | |
} | |
/* ******************************************************************************** | |
* This function takes the received string and upodates sensor data | |
**********************************************************************************/ | |
void SPEC_parse_data(){ | |
// Parses the received dataString | |
// Data string is comma separated | |
// The format of the output is: SN[XXXXXXXXXXXX], PPB [0 : 999999], TEMP [-99:99], | |
// RH[0:99], RawSensor[ADCCount], TempDigital, RHDigital, Day[0:99], Hour [0:23], | |
// Minute[0:59], Second[0 : 59]\r\n | |
// Take a look also at | |
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11068450/arduino-c-language-parsing-string-with-delimiter-input-through-serial-interfa | |
// We look first for the SN | |
int idx1 = dataString.indexOf(','); | |
SensorSerialNo = dataString.substring(0, idx1); | |
int idx2 = dataString.indexOf(',', idx1 + 1); | |
// Hint: after comma there's a space - it should be ignored | |
String S_gas = dataString.substring(idx1 + 2, idx2); | |
H2S = S_gas.toInt(); | |
int idx3 = dataString.indexOf(',', idx2 + 1); | |
String S_temp = dataString.substring(idx2 + 2, idx3); | |
Temperature = S_temp.toInt(); | |
int idx4 = dataString.indexOf(',', idx3 + 1); | |
String S_humi = dataString.substring(idx3 + 2, idx4); | |
RH = S_humi.toInt(); | |
int idx5 = dataString.indexOf(',', idx4 + 1); | |
String S_raw_gas = dataString.substring(idx4 + 2, idx5); | |
RawSensor = S_raw_gas.toInt(); | |
int idx6 = dataString.indexOf(',', idx5 + 1); | |
String S_Tdigital = dataString.substring(idx5 + 2, idx6); | |
TempDigital = S_Tdigital.toInt(); | |
int idx7 = dataString.indexOf(',', idx6 + 1); | |
String S_RHdigital = dataString.substring(idx6 + 2, idx7); | |
RHDigital = S_RHdigital.toInt(); | |
int idx8 = dataString.indexOf(',', idx7 + 1); | |
String S_Days = dataString.substring(idx7 + 2, idx8); | |
Days = S_Days.toInt(); | |
int idx9 = dataString.indexOf(',', idx8 + 1); | |
String S_Hours = dataString.substring(idx8 + 2, idx9); | |
Hours = S_Hours.toInt(); | |
int idx10 = dataString.indexOf(',', idx9 + 1); | |
String S_Minutes = dataString.substring(idx9 + 2, idx10); | |
Minutes = S_Minutes.toInt(); | |
int idx11 = dataString.indexOf('\r'); | |
String S_Seconds = dataString.substring(idx10 + 2, idx11); | |
Seconds = S_Seconds.toInt(); | |
} | |
/* ******************************************************************************** | |
* This function prints the sensor data | |
**********************************************************************************/ | |
void SPEC_print_data(){ | |
Serial.println("********************************************************************"); | |
Serial.print ("Sensor Serial No. is "); | |
Serial.println (SensorSerialNo); | |
Serial.print ("H2S level is "); | |
Serial.print (H2S); | |
Serial.println (" ppb"); | |
Serial.print ("Temperature is "); | |
Serial.print (Temperature, DEC); | |
Serial.println (" deg C"); | |
Serial.print ("Humidity is "); | |
Serial.print (RH, DEC); | |
Serial.println ("% RH"); | |
Serial.print ("Sensor is online since: "); | |
Serial.print (Days, DEC); | |
Serial.print (" days, "); | |
Serial.print (Hours, DEC); | |
Serial.print (" hours, "); | |
Serial.print (Minutes, DEC); | |
Serial.print (" minutes, "); | |
Serial.print (Seconds, DEC); | |
Serial.println (" seconds"); | |
Serial.println ("Raw Sensor Data"); | |
Serial.print ("Raw gas level: "); | |
Serial.println (RawSensor); | |
Serial.print ("Temperature digital: "); | |
Serial.println (TempDigital); | |
Serial.print ("Humidity digital: "); | |
Serial.println (RHDigital); | |
Serial.println (""); | |
} | |
/* ******************************************************************************** | |
* EEPROM dump | |
**********************************************************************************/ | |
void SPEC_dump_EEPROM(){ | |
// First we trigger a measurement | |
portOne.print(" "); | |
// Within one second time we send the command "e" | |
delay(400); | |
portOne.print("e"); | |
dataString = portOne.readStringUntil('\n'); | |
// You can uncomment this line if you wish | |
//Serial.println(dataString); | |
for (int i=0; i<20; i++){ | |
responseString = portOne.readStringUntil('\n'); | |
Serial.println(responseString); | |
} | |
} | |
void flush_portOne(){ | |
// Do we have data in the serial buffer? | |
// If so, flush it | |
if (portOne.available() > 0){ | |
Serial.println ("Flushing serial buffer..."); | |
while(1){ | |
inChar = (char)portOne.read(); | |
delay(10); | |
Serial.print(inChar); | |
if (inChar == '\n') break; | |
} | |
Serial.println (" "); | |
Serial.println ("Buffer flushed!"); | |
} | |
} |
That’s all folks!
Hello, I have been using spec sensors for a while and facing following issues -
ReplyDelete1. Fluctuation in raw nA current readings and hence the conc. values. Large fluctuations of 15-20 ppm in a time span of only a few minutes.
2. The baseline concentration are very high, eg for so2 it is 2-3 ppm and when it should be 70 -100 ppb.
3. There is no good repeatability between sensors, though which can be taken care of with calibration but the calibration setup costs a lot and contains a air tight chamber, gas cylinders, and controlled and safe exhaust of the gases. So then the sensors are not cost effective.
Could you please help me identify solution of these problems?
Hello, I have been using spec sensors for a while and facing following issues -
ReplyDelete1. Fluctuation in raw nA current readings and hence the conc. values. Large fluctuations of 15-20 ppm in a time span of only a few minutes.
2. The baseline concentration are very high, eg for so2 it is 2-3 ppm and when it should be 70 -100 ppb.
3. There is no good repeatability between sensors, though which can be taken care of with calibration but the calibration setup costs a lot and contains a air tight chamber, gas cylinders, and controlled and safe exhaust of the gases. So then the sensors are not cost effective.
Could you please help me identify solution of these problems?